【12色】黄色・橙色・茶色・赤・桃色・紫・水色・黄緑・緑・青・黒・白 【特長1】折れにくい、消しやすい、削れる/軸全体が芯の色鉛筆(芯の容量:従来の色鉛筆の約4倍) 【特長2】色鉛筆の書きやすさとクレヨンの持つ発色を生かした新しいタイプの色鉛筆 【付属】クーピー消しゴム・クーピー削り器付き 【単品サイズ】Φ8×119mm/本 【ケースサイズ】179×145×12mm Hard to break easy to turn shaved all core colored pencils. New type exploiting crayon color colored pencil writing and ease of use and colored pencils. All core specification because core is 4 times of conventional products and economic. ◆ 12 colors Boxed set: metallic thinner: PS Kasuri: metal PS Eraser: PVC PP paper
Hard to break easy to turn shaved all core colored pencils. New type exploiting crayon color colored pencil writing and ease of use and colored pencils. All core specification because core is 4 times of conventional products and economic.
◆ 12 colors
Boxed set: metallic thinner: PS Kasuri: metal PS Eraser: PVC PP paper