ドライバーでネジをゆるめるなどの手間がいりません。ポスターや作品の出し入れがらくらくな、前面から簡単にパチンとフレーム4辺を開閉させることができる「フロントオープンフレーム」のアルミ製の展示用パネル(額縁)です。この方式の採用でフレームがスリムになり軽量化を実現。額装物を大きく見せる効果もあります。ひもが同梱されていますので、壁にかけるのも簡単です。定期的または頻繁にポスターの差し替えが必要な業種に最適です。 ●規格:B4 ●内形寸法:縦364×横257×厚20mm ●材質:パネル=アルミニウム、表面=透明樹脂板(PET)、裏面=ダンボールマット板 ●色:シルバー ●付属品:バックスプリング(厚み調整用)、吊り下げ用ひも ●収容可能厚:3mm I do not need trouble such as unscrewing it by a driver. It is a panel (frame) for the aluminum display made of "the front open frame" that the putting in and out of a poster and the work can let you easily open and close four sides of frames with a click easily from the front. A frame becomes slim and realizes lightweighting by the adoption of this method. There is the effect to make a picture mounting thing look big. As a string is bundled it is easy for the wall to run. The substitution of the poster is most suitable for a necessary type of industry regularly or frequently. ●A standard: B4 ●Inner form dimensions: 364* vertical side 257* thickness 20mm ●Materials: Panel = aluminum surface = transparence resin board (PET) back side = corrugated cardboard mat board ●A color: Silver ●Accessories: Back spring (for the thickness adjustment) string for the suspension ●Can take you; a thickness: 3mm
I do not need trouble such as unscrewing it by a driver. It is a panel (frame) for the aluminum display made of "the front open frame" that the putting in and out of a poster and the work can let you easily open and close four sides of frames with a click easily from the front. A frame becomes slim and realizes lightweighting by the adoption of this method. There is the effect to make a picture mounting thing look big. As a string is bundled it is easy for the wall to run. The substitution of the poster is most suitable for a necessary type of industry regularly or frequently.
●A standard: B4
●Inner form dimensions: 364* vertical side 257* thickness 20mm
●Materials: Panel = aluminum surface = transparence resin board (PET) back side = corrugated cardboard mat board
●A color: Silver
●Accessories: Back spring (for the thickness adjustment) string for the suspension
●Can take you; a thickness: 3mm