Disk 1 1 Thunder 2 Bacteria 3 Deadly 4 Transition 5 Pocket Porn Dub 6 Women Respond To Bass 7 Holgertron 8 Recognise And Respond 9 Transworld Siren 10 Black Eye Boy
Disk 2 1 The Phantom Remix 2 Probably A Robbery (12 Gauge Turbo) 3 Ozone Breakdown 90 (Uprising Mix) 4 Biting My Nails (Bassnumb Chapter) 5 African Hips 6 The Phantom (Original Mix) 7 Ozone Breakdown (Original Version) 8 Biting My Nails (Sound System Plays A Renegade Tune) 9 Thunder II 10 Biting My Nails (Instrumental 90) 11 Manphibian 12 Biting My Nails (Version 90) 13 Mash Up
Disk 1
1 Thunder
2 Bacteria
3 Deadly
4 Transition
5 Pocket Porn Dub
6 Women Respond To Bass
7 Holgertron
8 Recognise And Respond
9 Transworld Siren
10 Black Eye Boy
Disk 2
1 The Phantom Remix
2 Probably A Robbery (12 Gauge Turbo)
3 Ozone Breakdown 90 (Uprising Mix)
4 Biting My Nails (Bassnumb Chapter)
5 African Hips
6 The Phantom (Original Mix)
7 Ozone Breakdown (Original Version)
8 Biting My Nails (Sound System Plays A Renegade Tune)
9 Thunder II
10 Biting My Nails (Instrumental 90)
11 Manphibian
12 Biting My Nails (Version 90)
13 Mash Up