特徴: 2本の鉛筆を装着できる、ツインタイプの補助軸です。 商品仕様: ◆ツインタイプ◆すべり止め加工グリップ◆名前シール付 ◆材質:アルミニウム、真ちゅう ◆本体サイズ:φ12×H103mm ◆本体重量:10g A characteristic: It is the supporting axis of the twin type that can attach two pencils.
Product specifications: ◆It is with twin type ◆ slipper processing grip ◆ name seal
A characteristic:
It is the supporting axis of the twin type that can attach two pencils.
Product specifications:
◆It is with twin type ◆ slipper processing grip ◆ name seal
◆Materials: Aluminum brass
◆Body size: φ 12* H103mm
◆Body weight: 10 g