841mm×50mPOP/ポスターやカラーCAD図面のエコノミー出力に対応する高発色普通紙です。低コストながらコート紙並みの発色性を備えています。商品コード:。◆プレミアム普通紙◆坪量:80g/平方メートル◆サイズ:A0◆入数:2本◆オートカット可能 It is high color development normal paper corresponding to the economy output of 841mm *50m POP/ poster and the color CAD drawing. I include color development characteristics at the same level as coated paper although being low-cost. A product cord: . ◆Premium normal paper ◆ basis weight: 80 g/square meter of ◆ size: A0 ◆ number containing: Two ◆ automatic cut is possible
It is high color development normal paper corresponding to the economy output of 841mm *50m POP/ poster and the color CAD drawing. I include color development characteristics at the same level as coated paper although being low-cost. A product cord: . ◆Premium normal paper ◆ basis weight: 80 g/square meter of ◆ size: A0 ◆ number containing: Two ◆ automatic cut is possible