特徴: 泡立ちのよいウレタンスポンジとナイロン不織布の貼り合わせ。コゲ落ちスピードアップ。 商品仕様: ◆サイズ:W115×D75×H30・(1個あたり)◆入数:5個 ◆材質:抗菌ウレタンスポンジ、ナイロン不織布(研磨粒子付) A characteristic: The laminating of the good urethane sponge and nylon nonwoven fabric of the sparkle. Koge omission speedup.
Product specifications: ◆Size: It is ◆ number containing (per nothing) W115 X D75 X H30: Five
A characteristic:
The laminating of the good urethane sponge and nylon nonwoven fabric of the sparkle. Koge omission speedup.
Product specifications:
◆Size: It is ◆ number containing (per nothing) W115 X D75 X H30: Five
◆Materials: Antibacterial urethane sponge nylon nonwoven fabric (belonging to abrasive particle)